In english.

Another pretty laid back day in the states. Sun's shining, it's about 25 degrees celcius. Lovely!
This day started off good, I thought I'd overslept, which turned out not to be true, phheeew, and on top of that I haven't felt tired at all this far. That's a good morning to me!

Yesterday at Starbucks we spoke about maybe go to IKEA today and have a swedish lunch instead of fried stuff with cheese dipped in saus, served with coke. We gathered at my place this morning, me, Bollkalle, Sandra & Louise. I was folding laundry while we were watching yesterdays episode of swedish Idol. Thanks guys for helping me out, otherwise I would probably be dead by now, serioulsy. Folding laudry will kill me one day, that's a fact!
If I would put all of the clothes I've had over my 20 years in one big pile I'm sure my hostkids pile would be even  taller. Well, enough about laundry! That just makes me sad!

So.. IKEA..  Ye, we had mashed potatoes and meatbolls with saus, of course! And while eating we played Chicago with the deck of cards that you'll from now on always will find in my shoulderbag. (male purse, haha!)

I really like my table I made out of my reciept. Maybe I'll call my homie Kampard and offer him to buy my excellent idea of a new best-selling table called "Kvitto". I'm gonna be a billionaire, so fucking bad!

Louise & Sandra says bye-bye in Swedish, hej då :)

Postat av: .sandra

[hä dö]? tycker inte det låter som hejdå. Well well, smakade maten som hemma?

2010-09-16 @ 11:29:39
Postat av: Lollo ♥

why in english? :o

2010-09-16 @ 17:51:49

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