bought myself a new girl(?)friend
Remember in highschool when I died and didn't give you my baby?
No Seriously, that was a line from Friends.Remember when I wrote that I might be writing in english?
Im all about those thoughts again, I got a new computer today, my other one broke down BAD. I was kind of expecting it to happen anytime soon. Mami helped me to buy a new one, thanks a million, Im sooo thankful!
"Buy one yourself, you're almost 21" - I would, but Miami and New York didn't make me a richer man, it litterally raped my bankaccount.
Im all about those thoughts again, I got a new computer today, my other one broke down BAD. I was kind of expecting it to happen anytime soon. Mami helped me to buy a new one, thanks a million, Im sooo thankful!
"Buy one yourself, you're almost 21" - I would, but Miami and New York didn't make me a richer man, it litterally raped my bankaccount.
Anyway, I bought my computer here in the states which means there are no "aao", with the dots you know. So I think this is easier. And hey, I get to practice my english, you might hopefully learn something and my other-nationalities-friends can read what I write. That's a win win situation right?
So, my new computer. Her name is Sony Vaio and she looks like this:
Not at hot as Amber, my hootersGF, but who is? Expect from Selena.. I gotta stop talk about her, I know..
So far we get along very well, the only thing I can complain about is the sound when I have it on speakers, it really sucks to be honest. With earphones it's the same sound as any computer and I pretty much always use my computer together with earphones.
Postat av: Lollo
konstigt... jag har med just köpt en ny dator, alltså har jag engelskt tangent bord men ååååh, kolla vilka bokstäver jag använder ;D ööööööööööööööööh
Postat av: Chrisd
tuff nu da?
control panel -> Region & Language -> Keyboards & Languages -> Change keyboard. It's all about being americanized ya know ;)
Postat av: Lollo
nej, allt sitter fel, hatar amerikanska tangetbord D: