We got hit by the snowstorm today. Well, here it's called snowstorm, in Sweden it's just snowing.
There is no such thing called winter tires here, they use the same tires in the summer as they do in the winter. And they are NOT designed for snow, thats for sure. I was out driving tonight and it was just crazy.
We almost got hit by someone who came from the right when I drove on the fairway, because he couldn't stop his car. We were lucky and got away with, what I think, 3-4 feets (ca. 1 meter).
On our way home there were like for or five cars wrecks the same road, Americans need go get down with the fact that they actually have winter in the most states. Thank god I'm from Sweden:)
I was shoveling the whole driveway before I went inside when I came, I am expecting a thank you tomorrow morning! oh no... tomorrow morning, I assume school is cancelled tomorrow, dang it! Gotta sleep, peace!
There is no such thing called winter tires here, they use the same tires in the summer as they do in the winter. And they are NOT designed for snow, thats for sure. I was out driving tonight and it was just crazy.
We almost got hit by someone who came from the right when I drove on the fairway, because he couldn't stop his car. We were lucky and got away with, what I think, 3-4 feets (ca. 1 meter).
On our way home there were like for or five cars wrecks the same road, Americans need go get down with the fact that they actually have winter in the most states. Thank god I'm from Sweden:)
I was shoveling the whole driveway before I went inside when I came, I am expecting a thank you tomorrow morning! oh no... tomorrow morning, I assume school is cancelled tomorrow, dang it! Gotta sleep, peace!